
I’m approaching 30, making minimum wage, with 0 skills, 0 friends, 0 hobbies/interests, and idk what to do anymore.

I just stumbled upon this subreddit, and I love the POV everyone has regarding work, I wanted to share my situation: I hate to be negative, but man the closer I am getting to 30, the more awful I feel that I am now this much older with absolutely nothing to show for it. I've worked at a shipping warehouse, and at a machine shop doing entry stuff and that's about it ever since I graduated high school. Some of my younger members of my families are making more than double than what I am, in jobs that aren't corresponding to their degrees. Both my younger cousins just somehow got a job for 85k-100k a friggin year, while I'm here doing slightly above minimum wage. It boggles my mind to how they even got it, but my uncles and aunts keeps rubbing it in my face and I already feel…

I just stumbled upon this subreddit, and I love the POV everyone has regarding work, I wanted to share my situation:

I hate to be negative, but man the closer I am getting to 30, the more awful I feel that I am now this much older with absolutely nothing to show for it. I've worked at a shipping warehouse, and at a machine shop doing entry stuff and that's about it ever since I graduated high school.

Some of my younger members of my families are making more than double than what I am, in jobs that aren't corresponding to their degrees. Both my younger cousins just somehow got a job for 85k-100k a friggin year, while I'm here doing slightly above minimum wage. It boggles my mind to how they even got it, but my uncles and aunts keeps rubbing it in my face and I already feel like crap. They tell me shit like “Just keep trying! You'll get to 100k!” Well I'm 100k% they're just trying to humble brag, but it still sucks.

I have absolutely no friends, not a single person I hang out with. Something feels wrong with me, and I don't know how to fix it or what to do.

In the past few weeks, I've taken a step by applying to go back to school and get my BS in Information Science and Data Analysis, but I highly doubt that's going to get me any better jobs and then I'd have to quit my current job to even continue schooling. Idk what to do. I just want to make more money.

I live in California so everywhere, I'm surrounded by wealth. I see younger tech bros driving Lamborghinis and Teslas every single day, and my only goal is just to be able to afford a house one day. But that looks impossible even 30 years in the future now. I don't have enough to put much into my savings at all.

Anyone have any advice or in a similar spot?

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