
Just got sent home . . .

For context I live in the UK, where I work part time in a chain restaurant. In the UK there are currently no longer any Covid restrictions in place and you have to buy your own tests. Last week I had been feeling pretty sick and run down, took a lateral flow test (LFT) on the Monday and Tuesday but both were negative. Then Wednesday's test came back positive . . . did another one just in case, which also came back positive. I contacted my work place to let them know I would definitely not be in for my shift the next day, as I felt like death, and to ask them to clarify what processes I needed to follow regarding statuary sick pay (SSP) and returning to work. Didn't hear back from them for over 24 hours and eventually had to chase them. The gist of their response…

For context I live in the UK, where I work part time in a chain restaurant. In the UK there are currently no longer any Covid restrictions in place and you have to buy your own tests.

Last week I had been feeling pretty sick and run down, took a lateral flow test (LFT) on the Monday and Tuesday but both were negative. Then Wednesday's test came back positive . . . did another one just in case, which also came back positive. I contacted my work place to let them know I would definitely not be in for my shift the next day, as I felt like death, and to ask them to clarify what processes I needed to follow regarding statuary sick pay (SSP) and returning to work. Didn't hear back from them for over 24 hours and eventually had to chase them. The gist of their response was that there was now no difference between Covid and any other sickness. In other words, “no requirement to test or isolate . . .”. Therefore, I had to self-certify for any SSP (only paid from day 4 of sickness), and I could return to work 48 hours after symptoms stopped. I was feeling almost normal by Friday and all of my symptoms, loss of taste, cough, etc had cleared up. Following the companies response, in combination with the fact that I already pretty much live pay check to pay check and so cannot justifiably remain off work longer than necessary, I informed my employer I would be able to return to work on the following Monday (today), which they then put me on the rota for along with my other usual days that week.

I did another LFT this morning when getting ready for work, which also came back positive. But hey, I am still asymptomatic, so as per the response I got from the company I headed into work.

I want to note at this point I was considerate to my colleagues and guests in the restaurant when I arrived, wearing a mask and sanitizing my hands, etc.

I passed a couple of my colleagues, on my way to the staff area to get changed, who asked had I enjoyed my time off. To which I replied that I had been off with Covid, laid up in bed for a couple of days, and was still testing positive. They were obviously shocked but I pointed out how I had been told I could return to work by management. Half an hour later I got a call from my manager asking to come to the office . . . In short, he accused me of creating a panic in the work place by telling my colleagues I was still testing positive and that I should of informed him discreetly instead, after which he sent me home to await further instructions.

I know that a lot of people will be thinking that by coming in while still positive I have potentially put everyone at risk, which is a fair point, but I was only following the guidance they had provided and treating it like any other illness. I am now sat at home, zero symptoms and unsure if I am getting paid anytime soon . . . Wish me luck.

TL;DR – Got Covid. Boss man told me I could return to work 48 after symptoms finished. Returned to work today, got sent home as I was asymptomatic but still testing positive.

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