
Two days in call center and i want to kill myself.

I started on friday. That makes two days working today. OH MY GOD. WHAT KIND OF A JOB AND TOXIC ENVIRONMENT IS THIS? The second i open my program i have to call. Without a pause. Without one second pause. Nonstop calling. 150-250 people a day with angry annoyed people. When i finally find someone willing to actually do a survey with me, the program crashed and i got scolded. All my calls are monitored by my superior, and they find the smallest shit to be mad about. The respondent says they don’t do surveys? Well i need to insist like an idiot, try to change their mind while they scream at me, push them into giving me a number for THEIR superior and then saving the number and i am supposed to call them in two weeks because “they won’t remember me and there’s a possibility they will change…

I started on friday. That makes two days working today. OH MY GOD. WHAT KIND OF A JOB AND TOXIC ENVIRONMENT IS THIS?

The second i open my program i have to call. Without a pause. Without one second pause. Nonstop calling. 150-250 people a day with angry annoyed people. When i finally find someone willing to actually do a survey with me, the program crashed and i got scolded. All my calls are monitored by my superior, and they find the smallest shit to be mad about. The respondent says they don’t do surveys? Well i need to insist like an idiot, try to change their mind while they scream at me, push them into giving me a number for THEIR superior and then saving the number and i am supposed to call them in two weeks because “they won’t remember me and there’s a possibility they will change their mind and do the survey” 🙂 The survey btw lasts 50 minutes :).

They lied to me about contracts. They lied about the projects. And they didn’t prepare me AT ALL.

I am so mad. Whoever does this job for years, i am so sorry and you deserve heaven literally. This job is fking hell.

EDIT: Just found out i am gonna be paid only 50% of my hour pay because i left one hour earlier (we were told we can work how many hours we want it doesn’t matter) LMAO BYE.

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