
Boss told me I wasn’t looking like a business man

I work in Engineering. So everyone in awhile there are events. I decided not to wear a tie, but I still wore dress shoes, pants and a Dress shirt. I should have worn a jacket but, I put it on this morning and thought it looked too small. So I went with my boss to this event where contractors and other engineering professionals were wearing boots, jeans, and short sleeve polos. I thought I looked pretty good, Especially considering everyone else. Well as we were walking into the event, the wind was smacking me directly in the face, So my hair got a little messed up. I fixed it as best I could but, apparently, according to my boss I was looking so unprofessional, that he did not want me to talk to single person, or hand out any business cards. I was so pisssed at him because he made…

I work in Engineering. So everyone in awhile there are events. I decided not to wear a tie, but I still wore dress shoes, pants and a Dress shirt. I should have worn a jacket but, I put it on this morning and thought it looked too small. So I went with my boss to this event where contractors and other engineering professionals were wearing boots, jeans, and short sleeve polos. I thought I looked pretty good, Especially considering everyone else.

Well as we were walking into the event, the wind was smacking me directly in the face, So my hair got a little messed up. I fixed it as best I could but, apparently, according to my boss I was looking so unprofessional, that he did not want me to talk to single person, or hand out any business cards.

I was so pisssed at him because he made us late to the event and he has yogurt on his face… SO I leave the event and go to the restroom, where I look in the mirror and find that I have 2 little hairs sticking up on my head. I fix them with no water or anything and then I just sat outside the event and waited for my ride (who was my boss).

He gets done an hour later and says, “I shouldnt have even brought you here, you look so raggedy. Next time wear a tie”.

bro what. I cant even say anything because I'm a recent college graduate and I have only been here for a month and a half.

Im pretty offended though. I would like to get a new job lowkey… when is it too soon as a newly grad. LOL

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