
employer withholding half my salary. How to respond?

I work in a Bangalore based ad agency. I joined on the 1st of March. I was put on a 3 months probation period. Due to a sudden financial situation at home, I had to seek a higher paying job urgently. Therefore I served my resignation letter and initiated my 15 days notice period on the 28th of March. Please note that I have worked for the entire month of March. Today, the 4th of April, is pay day. And my employer has credited to my account only half my salary for the month of March. When I called my employer, they said they will make the full settlement, along with the reminder salary till the 11th of April, after my notice period finishes. I find it extremely difficult to survive with half salary. This policy has never been mentioned in my contract. I was not told about this even…

I work in a Bangalore based ad agency. I joined on the 1st of March. I was put on a 3 months probation period.

Due to a sudden financial situation at home, I had to seek a higher paying job urgently.

Therefore I served my resignation letter and initiated my 15 days notice period on the 28th of March.
Please note that I have worked for the entire month of March.

Today, the 4th of April, is pay day. And my employer has credited to my account only half my salary for the month of March.

When I called my employer, they said they will make the full settlement, along with the reminder salary till the 11th of April, after my notice period finishes.

I find it extremely difficult to survive with half salary. This policy has never been mentioned in my contract. I was not told about this even on the day when i initiated my notice period. This happened all of a sudden today and I am having a lot of financial commitments and i won't even have money for basic things with the half salary.

My employer is saying that after a full handover they will pay the total reminder amount. But I have not received any company property to handover anything. I have not recieved any laptop, or phone, or even an ID card. All my work is assigned through an official email and i send it to them either via email or whatsapp.

I feel this is not at all fair.
Is there any way I can get my full salary soon?
I am currently the only earning memeber of a family of 5.

If my employer can do something like this so suddenly. How can I have faith in them that they will pay the salary for 11 days in April promptly?

Please help.

Any advice is appreciated.

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