
Our livelihoods are just a game to them.

My boyfriend’s current company is the typical underpaying, CEO-making-millions, “we had record profits during COVID but can’t give pay raises and also you can’t be remote anymore” shitty company. I could write a whole post about them, but that’s not my vent today. With his company forcing them back to work in the office (right when gas prices are ridiculous), he is looking for a job that will both pay him for what he does and also will let him remain remote. A recruiter reached out to him for a company that would give him a 50% raise and was fully remote. They had him go through three interviews and one weird personality assessment. After the first two interviews went really well, the recruiter reached out to my boyfriend a day before the third interview and let him know the job was his; the third interview was just a formality…

My boyfriend’s current company is the typical underpaying, CEO-making-millions, “we had record profits during COVID but can’t give pay raises and also you can’t be remote anymore” shitty company. I could write a whole post about them, but that’s not my vent today.

With his company forcing them back to work in the office (right when gas prices are ridiculous), he is looking for a job that will both pay him for what he does and also will let him remain remote. A recruiter reached out to him for a company that would give him a 50% raise and was fully remote. They had him go through three interviews and one weird personality assessment.

After the first two interviews went really well, the recruiter reached out to my boyfriend a day before the third interview and let him know the job was his; the third interview was just a formality in the process and would be with the first person who had already interviewed him. He was super excited! His current job has been bringing his mental health down so much, this was the first time in a long time that he was letting himself get excited about something and feeling able to breathe again.

The third interview goes great, the recruiter lets him know to look for the offer letter coming by the end of the week. Yay!

The end of the week passes, no word. My boyfriend gives them a little time, figures maybe whoever was supposed to send it on Friday was just putting it off for Monday.

The following Tuesday he reaches back out to the recruiter asking hey, what’s going on? For two days it is radio silence on their end.

End of the day on Thursday, the recruiter finally gets back to him. “Oh, thanks for reaching out. We ended up going with a different candidate.” The tone was very “we were not planning to tell you anything if you didn’t contact us.”

They led him on, let him get his hopes up, and then didn’t even reach out on their own to tell him they were going with a different plan. No apology. With their promise of a job, he had actually turned down some other recruiters while waiting (lesson learned there.)

It’s like it was just a fun, sick game for them. “Let’s tell everyone that they have a job with us so they’ll turn down other job offers and just focus on us, even though we only have one spot open.” They were so flippant about blowing him off too, it’s hard to not feel like it was malicious in nature.

Oh and the number 1 thing my boyfriend was excited about for this job? Being able to finally have savings. That’s it. He wasn’t like “oh i’m gonna go buy all this cool shit”. It was literally the bare minimum of “oh boy, I can’t wait to be able to have money at the end of the month!”

It just angers me so much.

Made a new account for this because I don’t want this tied to my normal account and somehow messing up my boyfriend’s future job prospects.

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