
Set two alarms to log in/out of message/email apps

We use Teams to communicate in our company. When I was inexperienced, I made a mistake of answering my boss message at 10 pm, which led me to a whole lot of work on a new project in the next two weeks. (If I did not reply to that message I would not have to do it because he would just assign to another unfortunate member who replies) Mistakes no more. I set two alarms: one in the morning, around 15 mins earlier than the starting time, and one in the afternoon, around 15 minutes later than the ending time. When the alarm rings, I log off/on everything related to work: email, apps. On Friday night I just logged them off until Monday morning. If things REALLY are an emergency, people would actually call me. With this way, I got out of a LOT of off-time message/call request at night,…

We use Teams to communicate in our company. When I was inexperienced, I made a mistake of answering my boss message at 10 pm, which led me to a whole lot of work on a new project in the next two weeks. (If I did not reply to that message I would not have to do it because he would just assign to another unfortunate member who replies)

Mistakes no more. I set two alarms: one in the morning, around 15 mins earlier than the starting time, and one in the afternoon, around 15 minutes later than the ending time. When the alarm rings, I log off/on everything related to work: email, apps. On Friday night I just logged them off until Monday morning. If things REALLY are an emergency, people would actually call me.

With this way, I got out of a LOT of off-time message/call request at night, with no decrease in salary whatsoever. Still got bonuses and raises at year ends, while the work significantly reduces. No one ever questions why I don’t reply them during off time. But if they ever question, I can just answer I sleep early/I left my phone somewhere and they can’t do anything.

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