
Unequal Cost of Living Raise, Is This Fucked Up?

I work for a municipal utility, in an affluent town that has roughly 400 employees. We got an email a few months ago that said all employees in the utilities department would be getting a 5-10% cost of living raise and anyone hired within the last year would be bumped up to 50k per year. A few weeks ago the department manager called people into his office one by one to tell us what our raise would be. That alone was already fishy. All of my coworkers and I, not being chumps, immediately discussed what our raises were and found that people who had been there the least amount of time got between a 10-15% raise whereas people who had been there longer and already made more money got a 5% raise. And anyone who already made above a certain pay grade received no raise at all. Don't get me…

I work for a municipal utility, in an affluent town that has roughly 400 employees. We got an email a few months ago that said all employees in the utilities department would be getting a 5-10% cost of living raise and anyone hired within the last year would be bumped up to 50k per year.

A few weeks ago the department manager called people into his office one by one to tell us what our raise would be. That alone was already fishy. All of my coworkers and I, not being chumps, immediately discussed what our raises were and found that people who had been there the least amount of time got between a 10-15% raise whereas people who had been there longer and already made more money got a 5% raise. And anyone who already made above a certain pay grade received no raise at all.

Don't get me wrong I'm super grateful to get a raise and I'm glad those making the least got a significant bump in their salary because they really need that. But something about the nature of how they told us about the raise and the fact that it wasn't given equally feels wrong. The town could certainly afford to have given everyone a large raise as the town is making more money than they ever have before and had a large surplus in the budget.

What do yall think, am I being salty or does this seem unjust to you as well?

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