
I’m spoiling the homeless?

I work at a homeless shelter as a cook and I make lunch and dinner. Someone else does breakfast. Apparently the last cook didn't put much effort into it because when I started making meals my boss was like ??? you're making that homemade? You know how to make X? I thought it was weird cause like why else would I apply for a cooking position if I didn't know how to cook. But then one day I made enchiladas and she was like “well now you're just spoiling them haha” I was like huh?? I'm spoiling the homeless people? I thought it was so weird and rude but I didn't say anything I just kind of said “oh yea I just wanted to make them today.” Such a weird lady

I work at a homeless shelter as a cook and I make lunch and dinner. Someone else does breakfast. Apparently the last cook didn't put much effort into it because when I started making meals my boss was like ??? you're making that homemade? You know how to make X? I thought it was weird cause like why else would I apply for a cooking position if I didn't know how to cook. But then one day I made enchiladas and she was like “well now you're just spoiling them haha”

I was like huh?? I'm spoiling the homeless people? I thought it was so weird and rude but I didn't say anything I just kind of said “oh yea I just wanted to make them today.” Such a weird lady

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