
Everyone just tells me I should try and get a good job.

So I’m 20. Do Uber. Make around 3.5-5k a month. Which is pretty good for me. I have a dropshipping website (please don’t judge) that averages around 1k in profits after expenses. I also have a vending machine business with 3 in total. Averaging around 7-1000 a month. So can someone please tell me. Why when talking to family or my girlfriend they always seem to hate the fact that I work for myself and that I’m trying to start businesses and be my own boss. Every time I tell them I did something positive for one of my businesses they just ask me when I’m going to apply for a “real job”. When will people understand that nobody wants to work a shitty 9-5 that makes people hate their life? Am I the only one that has experienced this? Also why do people tend to take you less seriously…

So I’m 20. Do Uber. Make around 3.5-5k a month. Which is pretty good for me. I have a dropshipping website (please don’t judge) that averages around 1k in profits after expenses. I also have a vending machine business with 3 in total. Averaging around 7-1000 a month. So can someone please tell me. Why when talking to family or my girlfriend they always seem to hate the fact that I work for myself and that I’m trying to start businesses and be my own boss. Every time I tell them I did something positive for one of my businesses they just ask me when I’m going to apply for a “real job”. When will people understand that nobody wants to work a shitty 9-5 that makes people hate their life? Am I the only one that has experienced this? Also why do people tend to take you less seriously if you don’t have a 9-5 no matter how much you make for yourself? I feel like people are embarrassed to be around people who don’t have a “good job”. Maybe I’m trippin idk hope someone understands how I feel

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