
Forcing employees to wear name tags is stupid and kind of cruel.

Like, fabulous, the Karen customer knows my name so she can single me out in a internet review where my current and potential employers can see. Love dealing with psycho customers like that even OUTSIDE of work where it effects my reputation. Even without that, in person wearing a name tag is very similar to putting a target on your chest. I don’t want to be addressed by rude ass people by my full legal name. I prefer lying about what my name is if they ask. It’s none of their business. If my manager/ect can’t remember names that’s their problem. And I will happily introduce myself and remind my coworkers my name if needed verbally in private. Otherwise what is even the point? I’m already wearing the uniform why does a useless tag have to be part of it? And how is it more “professional”? It’s a cheap pin.…

Like, fabulous, the Karen customer knows my name so she can single me out in a internet review where my current and potential employers can see. Love dealing with psycho customers like that even OUTSIDE of work where it effects my reputation.

Even without that, in person wearing a name tag is very similar to putting a target on your chest. I don’t want to be addressed by rude ass people by my full legal name. I prefer lying about what my name is if they ask. It’s none of their business.

If my manager/ect can’t remember names that’s their problem. And I will happily introduce myself and remind my coworkers my name if needed verbally in private. Otherwise what is even the point? I’m already wearing the uniform why does a useless tag have to be part of it? And how is it more “professional”? It’s a cheap pin.

I’m not talking about the work id’s that have your picture on them and everything, or the ones that are useful at a conference or something. Just the ones that are basically for the sake of “friendliness” towards customers. Why I got to get all personal with them? Why can’t wearing the name tag at least by a choice? I shouldn’t get written up for not wearing it… but, alas.

I wasn’t sure where to post this, I thought of r/unpopularopinion but if it’s actually an unpopular opinion I’ll be damned. So this sub seems more fitting.

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