
This sub gave me the motivation to quit my “Acting” assistant manager retail job which was killing my knees, feet and legs. I now work from home for the same money only now I work in my underpants sitting down.

I worked 9 hour shifts for a corporate retail chain with over 18,000 employees worldwide. I worked weekdays + weekends and the company was making me do everything that a manager does but I was only being paid as a regular full-time associate. Every week they would dangle the carrot infront of me that the company has “Big Plans” for me. They refused me a pay raise and kept saying that I should “Keep up the good work” and that the “Reward will soon follow” Cus of this sub I said fuck it and quit without even having another job lined up. 2 weeks after quitting I got an easy work-from-home job and now I make a little more than what I was making at that retail job only now I am just chilling working from home in my boxer shorts and ripping fat clouds from my vape while listening…

I worked 9 hour shifts for a corporate retail chain with over 18,000 employees worldwide. I worked weekdays + weekends and the company was making me do everything that a manager does but I was only being paid as a regular full-time associate. Every week they would dangle the carrot infront of me that the company has “Big Plans” for me. They refused me a pay raise and kept saying that I should “Keep up the good work” and that the “Reward will soon follow”

Cus of this sub I said fuck it and quit without even having another job lined up. 2 weeks after quitting I got an easy work-from-home job and now I make a little more than what I was making at that retail job only now I am just chilling working from home in my boxer shorts and ripping fat clouds from my vape while listening to music in the background. Best of all I don’t have to work weekends anymore.

If you are stuck at a job because of “Pay Guarantee” then my best advice is to have some faith in your own abilities. I posted my resume on Indeed and started getting offers. Beef up your resume and start applying. You have to close one door in your life in order for another one to open. Don’t be afraid, don’t kill yourself day in and day out for a company that doesn’t give a shit about you. There’s something always out there that’s going to be better then what you’re currently going through. Godspeed

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