
Worried sick about my new job.

I wanted your guys’ legal advice or advice in general… i recently left my job that i loved to my core but the work environment was so toxic i quite literally got “bullied” out of my job. i really hate using the word “bullied” because i do not let people disrespect me or treat me less, but that’s essentially what it was. after two months of job hunting, applied to over 20 jobs, no callbacks and interviewers bluffing their way through just to get someone hired i FINALLY found a job that i’m fairly certain i can do. the rate is $3.75 more than at my old position. My issue with taking this job was that the manager who interviewed me told me that for the first 30 days it’s like a ‘probationary term’ where they are pretty much allowed to fire you at any given moment- for something as…

I wanted your guys’ legal advice or advice in general… i recently left my job that i loved to my core but the work environment was so toxic i quite literally got “bullied” out of my job. i really hate using the word “bullied” because i do not let people disrespect me or treat me less, but that’s essentially what it was. after two months of job hunting, applied to over 20 jobs, no callbacks and interviewers bluffing their way through just to get someone hired i FINALLY found a job that i’m fairly certain i can do. the rate is $3.75 more than at my old position. My issue with taking this job was that the manager who interviewed me told me that for the first 30 days it’s like a ‘probationary term’ where they are pretty much allowed to fire you at any given moment- for something as minuscule as not liking your personality. I CANNOT LOSE THIS JOB! i’m terrified i’m going to do something to fuck it up. i struggle immensely with mental illness, which doesn’t often affect my job. but sometimes my social anxiety is quite literally crippling and this is a very service based job. i am afraid my anxiety might ruin this opportunity for me. but i also wanted your alls thoughts and opinions on the “probationary term” for the first 30 days? it doesn’t seem right or even legal that they can do that? i’m young 20F and live with my partner. we absolutely cannot afford for me to not be working. what if they DO fire me within the next thirty days? Should i disclose my mental illness to my new boss so maybe they could better understand/possibly be able to accommodate my needs better? what if i am simply too incompetent to do the job? i won’t get another offer like this for the pay it is. i’ve never had a pay rate this high before.

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