
I Was Laid Off After Working At “Star Trek” For Nearly 4 Years, and I’m Tired

As of 4/1/22, I was “let go” by a company that I gave my loyalty and time to for nearly 4 years that sounds like Star Trek, as such will be referred to as such for this post. I worked at this company during my time at college, through some major events in my life, through heartache, moving, drama, and the works. As such, since I am “let go”, I no longer have any sympathy or loyalty to this company, and will list the drama and issues this company has. So sit back, get some popcorn, and get ready to gape in awe of this entire saga. ((My apologies for anything confusing/not coherent, I’m angry, hurt, and tired, and I write this at night when my filter is off and ADHD runs wild.)) My first big hassle with this company is how they treat their employees. When this all began,…

As of 4/1/22, I was “let go” by a company that I gave my loyalty and time to for nearly 4 years that sounds like Star Trek, as such will be referred to as such for this post. I worked at this company during my time at college, through some major events in my life, through heartache, moving, drama, and the works. As such, since I am “let go”, I no longer have any sympathy or loyalty to this company, and will list the drama and issues this company has. So sit back, get some popcorn, and get ready to gape in awe of this entire saga.

((My apologies for anything confusing/not coherent, I’m angry, hurt, and tired, and I write this at night when my filter is off and ADHD runs wild.))

My first big hassle with this company is how they treat their employees. When this all began, the furlough was announced with little to no notice, only giving less than a week before it was to begin. When asked about the WARN act, they claimed “They did not meet the requirements, thus did not need to follow it.” Over 80 people attended this meeting, losing their scheduled work for a month. The furlough began on 3/01, and ANY AND ALL questions asked by the affected in the presence of other employees were deleted and the asker muted from the facebook group they run. They kept it a secret. People who had just bought homes and had multiple children were jacked out of several paychecks with little notice, and Startek gave the air of “lets just keep this a secret, shh. No need for tattletails!” I was also one of those who were silenced by the admin of the group for asking an innocent question, funnily enough to be lifted on April 1st. (I have since been removed from the FB group, probably to keep others from knowing of my laid-off status.)

A few weeks ago, there was a rogue post on the company page, warning others of the permanent lay off. They were “let go” from the furlough, stating they were not coming back at all. Soon enough, the post was deleted, and fear crept into my mind. Was I next to be without a job? Who else was to be let go? Turns out over 50 of the furloughed were “let go” at that point, confirmed by several sources, and the worst was to come.

A couple days ago, several furloughed employees received several emails stating they were to return to the “Star Trek” company on 4/04, giving them their new shifts/schedules, explaining that an admin would be contacting them to ensure they were supported going back to work. With confirmation of work ahead, the following email for a ‘teams’ meeting was not suspected of being anything sinister, just the admin team contacting them on getting back to work.

They and myself were horrified to find out that when they went into the meeting that they were losing their jobs after being promised to return. The head admin put on her “apologetic” tone, and told them they were not returning, and “hopefully unemployment is available for those who wish to look into it”. Many broke down, several stating they would be getting attorneys, to which the admin had no comments. “If you do not have any questions, you can leave.” No empathy, no regrets, no heart.

With this information now explained to you, we can go further into the issues of “Star Trek” the company, more specifically for the one in the Midwest area of the US.

The second one I would like to call out is the names on the chat/for business reasons of the employees. While I was there, I noticed something horrifying. Those who have transitioned/had their names changed did not get any respect from “star trek”, their names never getting updated. Forced to work under a name they no longer wished to have, being forced to be called by it by customers, being mistakenly called it by other agents, my heart goes out to them for having to deal with this on a constant basis. While being unforgiving to those who

The third issue we wish to bring up with this blasted company is the blatant favoritism shown by the “Coaches”, “Hats”, and “Higher Ups”. If you are favored by these coaches, it shows. Get rewards and prizes, get better reviews, let off being punished for breaking the rules, able to avoid chats, the works. However, make those above you angry, and you get the Mean Girls Clique of Hell. Gossip, name calling, station sabotage, lack of promised rewards, skips in the yearly raises… either you were favored, scapegoated, or left in the dark.

The favoritism went so far as to protect a p*do from being discovered. Children were brought to this work place, as well as child-center events, such as Halloween. However, since this monster was a ‘favorite’ of the coaches and hats, no one did a simple background check/google search, which showed their status. May the various gods smite this evil being, who left of their own volition, and not with a mob of torches and pitchforks.

After being laid off, I went to Indeed to create a resume and look for another job, hopefully with better pay and days off, and what do I find?

A job request from “Star Trek”!!!

POSTED ON 4/2/22!


The amount of audacity from this company astounds me. Even after laying off so many of us and continuing to cut hours from their still active employees, anywhere from 5-20 hours each, they dare to try to bring in more employees during “low chat volume”?!

I dont even know how to end this, but I dont have anymore fuel in me for now. Just… $14 an hour wasn't worth this, especially the short time I had it without a full time paycheck. I haven't had to worry about looking for jobs in several years, and now I have to start over. I'm anxious and scared, I knew my job with “Star Trek”, I could do it with my head down, and now I have to start over. Many jobs in my area don't give the pay this job had. I hope I can find a good job. Thank you for reading.

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