
Company is destroying our small town.

An investment fund is buying all the apartment buildings and business buildings in our small town and posing as a property management company. We are a small town that is struggling to remain on the map, literally. Our local economy has degraded over decades due to similar groups’ abuse. And we may not be here in 10-20 years if we keep having to take this treatment. They’ve developed a monopoly in an already struggling community. They skyrocket rents because there is nowhere else to live and we can’t all afford to buy a home and they won’t fix the buildings or apartments they buy. They’ve also stolen services from locals and local businesses for years (They have a business work for them and then don’t pay them). Their employees are paid nothing. They also live more than 1000 miles away. But because we all have to have somewhere to live,…

An investment fund is buying all the apartment buildings and business buildings in our small town and posing as a property management company.

We are a small town that is struggling to remain on the map, literally. Our local economy has degraded over decades due to similar groups’ abuse. And we may not be here in 10-20 years if we keep having to take this treatment.

They’ve developed a monopoly in an already struggling community. They skyrocket rents because there is nowhere else to live and we can’t all afford to buy a home and they won’t fix the buildings or apartments they buy. They’ve also stolen services from locals and local businesses for years (They have a business work for them and then don’t pay them). Their employees are paid nothing. They also live more than 1000 miles away.

But because we all have to have somewhere to live, we have to bite our tongue. Everyone has the same opinion of them in private conversation but no one speaks publicly about them for fear of repercussions. Small towns are like that.

They keep attracting investors because of this. No one is willing to speak poorly of them in public because of their power (they are also all pastors). So from the outside, they look like saviors and the coastal capitalists keep investing more with them.

Does anyone have any advice on what we can do to stop or stall this trend so our community doesn’t dry up?

There is a group of 5-10 of us organizing a sort of resistance so please send tips and tricks.

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