
Just stop participating

Let's pick a day where we stop paying our taxes, stop buying corporate products, making payments on things, etc. I say this upcoming tax day or the next. Stockpile food, load up on gas and ammo, get your things in order, and then just stop paying for things. Just full on halt the economy. Enough is enough. The government doesn't care anymore, they're not hiding anything anymore, so it's time we stop playing by the rules also.

Let's pick a day where we stop paying our taxes, stop buying corporate products, making payments on things, etc.

I say this upcoming tax day or the next.
Stockpile food, load up on gas and ammo, get your things in order, and then just stop paying for things.

Just full on halt the economy. Enough is enough. The government doesn't care anymore, they're not hiding anything anymore, so it's time we stop playing by the rules also.

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