
“iM a VetERaN, rEspeCT mE”

I have never hated my job more than I have a today. This older man comes to the drive thru and orders his food fresh, so of course, we will have to pull him to get the other customers out. When its time to go out, i take him his food and he asks me if i can do him a favor. Im like “depends”, he reaches on the passenger side and grabs the biggest bag of trash. Foulest odor ive ever smelled coming from a car, i tell him simply “sir, im sorry i cant take that, but there is a trash can right over by the gas pumps” instead of him understanding, he starts to argue. Any name in the book he uses. I tell him to leave, and he asks if im the manager. I proceeded to tell him i am, but in the middle he cuts…

I have never hated my job more than I have a today. This older man comes to the drive thru and orders his food fresh, so of course, we will have to pull him to get the other customers out. When its time to go out, i take him his food and he asks me if i can do him a favor. Im like “depends”, he reaches on the passenger side and grabs the biggest bag of trash. Foulest odor ive ever smelled coming from a car, i tell him simply “sir, im sorry i cant take that, but there is a trash can right over by the gas pumps” instead of him understanding, he starts to argue. Any name in the book he uses. I tell him to leave, and he asks if im the manager. I proceeded to tell him i am, but in the middle he cuts me and says “im calling the police” I asked him why and he said “people like you not helping the veterans of this country.” I just nod and start to walk in and this 50-60 year old man is yelling “IM A VETERAN AND YOU NEED TO RESPECT ME, THE LAW IS COMING FOR YOUR ASS”
Okay, sir.
Police come, long story short, man comes in lobby- makes a scene, other customers in lobby laughing. Police tell this man he had wasted there time and all this guy says “You just lost a loyal customer”
Ive only ever seen you once and that was today, but go off i guess lmao

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