
I Need Major Advice

I have a wife and 3 young kids, I work a 12 hour night shift making 18.08 an hour (unheard of where I live) of physical labor. I'm mentally and physically at my breaking point. Understaffed, the staff we have doesn't know how to do their job, constant call outs, supervisor and manager doesn't care, overworked, everybody is high as a kite and the only other jobs available around the area are minimum wage. I've been doing this for 2 years. I'm to the point to where I'm ready to run away somewhere where nobody will find me and just live in a car. Idk what to do. I'm depressed, anxiety is crippling me, I'm so tired that I can't even help my wife take care of our kids and the worst part is, I can't quit. My family is totally dependent on me. Without me working, they're shit out…

I have a wife and 3 young kids, I work a 12 hour night shift making 18.08 an hour (unheard of where I live) of physical labor. I'm mentally and physically at my breaking point. Understaffed, the staff we have doesn't know how to do their job, constant call outs, supervisor and manager doesn't care, overworked, everybody is high as a kite and the only other jobs available around the area are minimum wage. I've been doing this for 2 years. I'm to the point to where I'm ready to run away somewhere where nobody will find me and just live in a car. Idk what to do. I'm depressed, anxiety is crippling me, I'm so tired that I can't even help my wife take care of our kids and the worst part is, I can't quit. My family is totally dependent on me. Without me working, they're shit out of luck. I've been working like this since I was 16, 28 now and I. Am. Fucking. Tired. I wake up every evening feeling defeated. I've been sacrificing my own happiness and health my entire life and I'm just past my breaking point. Sometimes I think it might be better for my wife to just find somebody else. Somebody better that makes more money and has a better attitude, and I could just kill myself with my 9mm in the closet. Better for my kids to have a new daddy and forget about me when they could have such a better life. I'm just tired. Idk how to keep enduring. I went to a doctor but they just wanted to turn me into a zombie with medications. Idk what to do. I've been a man my entire life but I'm tired of being strong.

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