
Genuine question about all these people quitting their jobs.

Perhaps it's somewhat of an echo-chamber effect, but all these posts about people quitting their jobs and hating how their employer runs things seems to paint a pretty bleak picture for work in general. It seems that more often than not, you're going to be stuck with either a shitty boss or a shitty job. And if you're frequently finding yourself in that position and quitting your job, then how do the majority of the people here even keep on top of their rent, bills, etc.? It seems to me that it's either suck it up or end up homeless and neither option is ideal. The only exceptions to this are probably people who are self-employed, retired, or are receiving some sort of welfare benefits. Maybe there are a lucky few who have a great job, great boss and maybe even love going to work. But in my experience, and…

Perhaps it's somewhat of an echo-chamber effect, but all these posts about people quitting their jobs and hating how their employer runs things seems to paint a pretty bleak picture for work in general. It seems that more often than not, you're going to be stuck with either a shitty boss or a shitty job. And if you're frequently finding yourself in that position and quitting your job, then how do the majority of the people here even keep on top of their rent, bills, etc.?

It seems to me that it's either suck it up or end up homeless and neither option is ideal.

The only exceptions to this are probably people who are self-employed, retired, or are receiving some sort of welfare benefits. Maybe there are a lucky few who have a great job, great boss and maybe even love going to work. But in my experience, and in the experience of so many others, that seems like a pipe dream or just flat-out unimaginable.

How are most of you surviving day to day? Or is this actually not as common of an issue as the posts on this subreddit make it appear to be? What is your ratio of good jobs to bad jobs in your lifetime? Do you just come here to vent in the rare event that you find yourself quitting a job out of frustration, or do you quit jobs fairly frequently? Do you work for very long periods of time and save up a lot of money? Invest money into stocks or crypto?

All of my work experience has been pretty negative, but I've never quit due to fear that I wouldn't have a home in the months or years to come.

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