
A day in the life of a factory worker..

It’s 3:45 AM, you think you’re dreaming as your alarm is annoyingly beeping at you. You think it is a dream because the second you hear it, you wish it was never beeping, and once you realise it’s not a dream, you realise it is the same repetitive nightmare that you have been stranded within from morning after morning, day after day. You get up out of bed, wipe the literal Goo from your eyes and Put the kettle on to make a cup of coffee. You quickly make breakfast if you even have the time to spare. It’s completely dark outside, and If you even once again have the time to, you quickly hose down your car as it’s literally all iced up, and if not then it has fog water all over the windows, leaving you almost blind to see the roads and other traffic on your way…

It’s 3:45 AM, you think you’re dreaming as your alarm is annoyingly beeping at you.
You think it is a dream because the second you hear it, you wish it was never beeping, and once you realise it’s not a dream, you realise it is the same repetitive nightmare
that you have been stranded within from morning after morning, day after day.

You get up out of bed,
wipe the literal Goo from your eyes and
Put the kettle on to make a cup of coffee.
You quickly make breakfast if you even have the time to spare.
It’s completely dark outside, and
If you even once again have the time to, you quickly hose down your car as it’s literally all iced up, and if not then it has fog water all over the windows, leaving you almost blind to see the roads and other traffic on your way to work if you fail to do so.

Once you arrive to the factory, immediately depression kicks in, it’s entire atmosphere is dark, gloomy and entirely emotionless.
you also see all of the other factory workers faces, just straight up tired…and puffing on multiple cigarettes for their breakfast.

You go inside, clock in, you get to your designated location on the floor, almost like cattle.
You then proceed to hear nothing but screeching noises from machines, the same radio station plays every single day,
And most commonly have annoying 50-60 year old men who try to give you shit if you screw anything up, even by accident.
They’re the bullies who have been working their their entire lives and think they own the place.
After dealing with screeching noises from machines, possible bullies and the same damned song replayed over and over again by the radio station, you then look up to the clock which is directly above you, the time is only 6:45 AM, your break is not until 9:30AM.
Your mind starts going insane, because the entire time you were dealing with stressful and repetitive work such as standing on sheer concrete since you got there, to literally opening a box and placing items into or out of it in the same location all day, you wonder how on earth did the Time feel like it went at super sonic speeds to only be 2 hours into your shift.

Once you have break, you go to the lunch room, waiting to heat up your food in a waiting line with all of the other hungry workers, once that finally arrives and your meal is ready, you want to make a coffee so you wait in another line, you finally have breakfast ready.
You escape to your vehicle because you would rather not hear every man talk about anal sex, hot girls in school uniforms like pigs with sexual predator ambitions.
Once you’re in your car, have had breakfast and light up your first cigarette, the bell rings…back to work we go.

Your back at work, in your same designated position as before, you stare at the clock wondering once again, how on earth the time is going so damn slow, you continue to work extra harder and push yourself to your limits to try and make the day quicker, but ultimately it is always false hope.
You finally hear the bell go off for Lunch after what feels like 10 hours when it has only been 3.
All of the cattle is back and ready to talk about girls in school uniforms and you’re back to your waiting line, and back into your vehicle.

This part of your day is the most fun, the most enjoyment comes out of sitting in your car for the next 15 minutes that you have left, but it actually feels like 5 minutes.

Bell goes off again, back to work it is.

At this point your mind is itching at itself to escape the havoc and delusion that time has been taking so long, almost like goku when he is in the Hyperbolic time chamber, he has been training in for 365 days but comes out and only 1 minute has passed.

You again begin to stare at the clock and by what seems another 10 hours has passed, the bell to clock off finally rings and you are the most excited you have been all day, the very thought of just clocking off excited you!!
That is until your supervisor comes and asks you to work for another 3-4 hours on wish you could say no, but you’re scared of losing your job as they DO NOT take kindly to people who refuse to work, let alone overtime if it is needed.

(I have been working in factory’s since I was a kid, 16 years of age. I am now 25 years of age. I received a job invitation today, stating that “ order by” employer, you’re literally just “irreplaceable” you’re just another sheep in a herd of cattle, and if you “die” you’re just another casualty and they’ll have another sheep herded up in your place by the next day, to take your “position”)

“Order by” was implied that this employer has “ordered” me…a HUMAN BEING!!!

I understand if you think this is “rubbish” “over worked” “impossible”…but believe me,
This is the average day in the life of a factory worker, and boy am I glad I quit!!

(This is what I’ve learned from working in this environment since 16 years of age, I’m now 25 and this is over the coarse of 9 different factory jobs of which most I quit)

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