
Its time for a general strike, America.

As a non-American, my heart bleeds for all of you for the working conditions you have to endure. Across the board it seems like workers rights are a joke to your employers and managers. So its time to take into hand the only weapon you have; your labour, and withdrawing it. Its time to strike. I urge all of you to organise, locally and nationally, to strike on May Day (May 1st), international workers day. The world is watching; make it happen.

As a non-American, my heart bleeds for all of you for the working conditions you have to endure. Across the board it seems like workers rights are a joke to your employers and managers. So its time to take into hand the only weapon you have; your labour, and withdrawing it. Its time to strike.

I urge all of you to organise, locally and nationally, to strike on May Day (May 1st), international workers day. The world is watching; make it happen.

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