
I went to quit due to hostile environment, HR asked if i would transfer instead, but I’m still stressed

A couple of weeks ago I submitted my one week notice, I could not stand my supervisor as they were very micromanaging, pushy about production, and pushy about start end times(explained down below). In my Exit interview with HR they offered me a chance to transfer out to the main building instead of the small side building where I worked because they didn't want to loose me. I accepted. I was told I would be working with Supervisor A. who apparently everybody loves. When I got there yesterday the boss of the supervisors took me to Supervisor B, who didn't know this sudden change either and certainly didn't treat me like I was welcome. I feel like I was bait and switched and the worst part to me is the scheduling. One of the few things I actually like about my job is the Schedule. They have 30 minute window…

A couple of weeks ago I submitted my one week notice, I could not stand my supervisor as they were very micromanaging, pushy about production, and pushy about start end times(explained down below). In my Exit interview with HR they offered me a chance to transfer out to the main building instead of the small side building where I worked because they didn't want to loose me. I accepted. I was told I would be working with Supervisor A. who apparently everybody loves. When I got there yesterday the boss of the supervisors took me to Supervisor B, who didn't know this sudden change either and certainly didn't treat me like I was welcome. I feel like I was bait and switched and the worst part to me is the scheduling. One of the few things I actually like about my job is the Schedule. They have 30 minute window where you can clock in. and the choice to take a lunch or leave 30 minutes early. So I can come in anytime between 3pm (work till 11 or 11:30 with lunch) or 3:30 (work till 11:30 or midnight with lunch) Supervisor B tells me straight up that if I take a lunch I must work at 3, which is a violation of company policy.

I emailed HR and they informed me the move to Supervisor B's team was changed that day, but I do have the freedom of a lunch at any point and that Supervisor B should not be telling me that. The things is I know how I work. My ADHD needs multiple breaks from work to “reset” and focus. I also can't always get there right at 3 and found that 3:15 to 11:45 is a good middle ground for me. Now the issue is that if I want to do the schedule that works best for me my new super will be upset and despite HR telling me to report retaliation it still doesn't mean that I won't be as welcomed to the team if I'm the only one working those extra 15 minutes.

The kicker? Supervisor A has people that works till midnight. It wouldn't have been a problem there. I'm still looking for other jobs at the moment but I don't know if I should just quit after that or not. I don't know what to do, I'm dreading going to work today.

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