
I think I’m about to lose my mind

Rant post. This can’t be all there is. Every day it’s the same fucking thing. Work. Half the time after work I’m too damn tired to do anything but watch TV. I have to force myself to do my hobbies sometimes. On the weekends I’m mostly sleeping, catching up on all the chores I didn’t deal with throughout the week and maybe seeing my friends. My job isn’t even that bad. I work from home 9 hours a day with a 1 hour unpaid lunch. Am I paid enough to move out of my parents place? Hell no. I work for a mortgage company and some of these people pay a damn mortgage for a 4 bedroom home that’s half the price of a studio apartment where I live. But even if I did what’s the point? Just to struggle even more with bills and have no money to just…

Rant post. This can’t be all there is. Every day it’s the same fucking thing. Work. Half the time after work I’m too damn tired to do anything but watch TV. I have to force myself to do my hobbies sometimes. On the weekends I’m mostly sleeping, catching up on all the chores I didn’t deal with throughout the week and maybe seeing my friends. My job isn’t even that bad. I work from home 9 hours a day with a 1 hour unpaid lunch. Am I paid enough to move out of my parents place? Hell no. I work for a mortgage company and some of these people pay a damn mortgage for a 4 bedroom home that’s half the price of a studio apartment where I live. But even if I did what’s the point? Just to struggle even more with bills and have no money to just enjoy what little free time I have left with my life? Every morning I wake up and think “again?” I have to do this shit AGAIN? When does it end? Oh right, retirement. Well shit, by the time I retire, the value of the USD will probably be next to none but I’ll still be making that same shitty wage. Sure I could get a higher paying job, but that still changes nothing. What good is a surplus of money if you have no time to spend it? Wow I have a larger house to sleep in. Wooeee. I took advantage of unemployment during the pandemic. Got a nice 8 month vacation and guess what? It still wasn’t enough. I was happy. WAS. I’m not depressed, I can be happy when I don’t have to work for a few days but the existential dread sets in when I have one day off left. It just never ends. Fuck this shit.

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