
A different perspective.

Good morning Ladies and Gents. Today I'm offering you a bit of a different side to Anti-Work. Yesterday I was notified that my supervisor was involved in an accident and today he was pronounced dead. I am grieving. He was an amazing person that saw the best in people. He gave me a chance at a job that I was not qualified for and became what some would call a mentor. Last week we were discussing our plans for fathers day month and how he was planning a trip. I am planning a trip as well to see my father. He was telling me last Thursday how excited he was to retire in a couple years and how he wanted to go on a fishing charter, play some golf and catch up in the yard. He didn't make it to retirement. This specific circumstance kind of shifted my thoughts on…

Good morning Ladies and Gents.

Today I'm offering you a bit of a different side to Anti-Work.

Yesterday I was notified that my supervisor was involved in an accident and today he was pronounced dead. I am grieving. He was an amazing person that saw the best in people. He gave me a chance at a job that I was not qualified for and became what some would call a mentor.

Last week we were discussing our plans for fathers day month and how he was planning a trip. I am planning a trip as well to see my father.

He was telling me last Thursday how excited he was to retire in a couple years and how he wanted to go on a fishing charter, play some golf and catch up in the yard.

He didn't make it to retirement.

This specific circumstance kind of shifted my thoughts on employment. I identify as a workaholic, +50 hours a week even though I'm salary, always early and doing more than my responsibility…basically, my job came first. I make plans for the future and bust my ass for work and second guess every time off requested.

With that being said, I am amazed how quick work was able to move forward without skipping a beat. They have a replacement in place and work just moved forward. I'm still trying to process this information.

Work doesn't care about you. Live your life. Fulfill your plans and realize that you are replaceable. Don't be afraid to ask for that raise. Don't be afraid to go on your vacation. Dont be afraid to just walk out the door when work is no longer compatible. We work to live. We don't live to work.

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