
HR policies are not a holy book sent from the heavens

It's been a crazy month. After being out of work for 8 months I took a job in very over qualified for. But I'm happy to finally get my Financials in order. A week into my new job I had a serious medical episode and was in the ICU for a 5 days, 4 of which I was unconscious for. I was still recovering but had to go back to work because because I'm unelgible for paid sick live in my first 6 months of employment. Fast forward 2 week and my colleague resigns, his position is more senior and I'm very qualified to take over. I'm told although I'm perfect for the job I can't apply because as per the policy I need to complete a year of employment before applying for an internal position. Mind you up until 2019 I worked for their sister company for 10 years…

It's been a crazy month. After being out of work for 8 months I took a job in very over qualified for. But I'm happy to finally get my Financials in order. A week into my new job I had a serious medical episode and was in the ICU for a 5 days, 4 of which I was unconscious for. I was still recovering but had to go back to work because because I'm unelgible for paid sick live in my first 6 months of employment.

Fast forward 2 week and my colleague resigns, his position is more senior and I'm very qualified to take over. I'm told although I'm perfect for the job I can't apply because as per the policy I need to complete a year of employment before applying for an internal position.

Mind you up until 2019 I worked for their sister company for 10 years so I need no induction or on familiarization with the organization.

In this economy I still am very grateful for having a decent job but I just wanted to vent.

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