
“Don’t worry, the points drop after 9 months”

So my work tracks points that we get for being tardy (1 point), a no call/no show (10 points), and partial absence (5 points) and if you get 30, you're fired. Not only that, but if you have zero for a year in a row, you get a “perfect attendance bonus”. I had 2 points that would, according to them, “drop off after 9 months”, and I was 4 months away. Normally I don't care for stuff like this, but it was free money if I made it, so whatever. One last note is I work 4 pm to 2:30 am Monday through Thursday, and last Wednesday I was out for covid symptoms, which is covered without using PTO because I work in healthcare. So obviously I let my boss know my symptoms, and I specifically tell them it feels more like a headache and bad allergies, but they say…

So my work tracks points that we get for being tardy (1 point), a no call/no show (10 points), and partial absence (5 points) and if you get 30, you're fired. Not only that, but if you have zero for a year in a row, you get a “perfect attendance bonus”.

I had 2 points that would, according to them, “drop off after 9 months”, and I was 4 months away. Normally I don't care for stuff like this, but it was free money if I made it, so whatever.

One last note is I work 4 pm to 2:30 am Monday through Thursday, and last Wednesday I was out for covid symptoms, which is covered without using PTO because I work in healthcare.

So obviously I let my boss know my symptoms, and I specifically tell them it feels more like a headache and bad allergies, but they say its close enough that I should go home. Fine, I won't fight getting the rest of the week off.

Wait! There did you see it? The part where I assumed I'd get the rest of the week off? Therefore I'd sleep my headache away without calling in sick, since I called in for a disease with 5 to 10 days off allowed? No? You don't see what I'm getting at?

Apparently, me not calling in on the next day, a day where I could physically not come in to work, is a no call/no show. That means no bonus for me until January. Because as they said, “the points drop off after 9 months”

And I just wanted to thank tham because now, I don't have to play their silly “perfect attendance” game. I have 17 points worth of absences to “accidentally” use. And I won't let a single one go to waste.

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