
I can’t be the only weirdo who isn’t entirely opposed to working in an office post-pandemic….Am I?

In the 2010s I worked from home for several years and loved it. I had some bad experiences in an office environment and swore I'd never go back. It was an introvert's dream. A few years back circumstances changed and I started working in an office and it was…..Okay. Then the pandemic hit and I got so sick of the inside of my house and avoiding everyone in public like the plague (Literally). Even though I'm still an introvert and need alone time to recharge my batteries, I suddenly didn't mind being in an office. Of course, I did have cool co-workers, so my experiences may be different than yours. I'm starting a new job soon that's hybrid and I'm actually glad to have to go in ~twice a week. It beats going to a sterile library or noisy coffee house if I need to get away.

In the 2010s I worked from home for several years and loved it. I had some bad experiences in an office environment and swore I'd never go back. It was an introvert's dream.

A few years back circumstances changed and I started working in an office and it was…..Okay.

Then the pandemic hit and I got so sick of the inside of my house and avoiding everyone in public like the plague (Literally). Even though I'm still an introvert and need alone time to recharge my batteries, I suddenly didn't mind being in an office. Of course, I did have cool co-workers, so my experiences may be different than yours.

I'm starting a new job soon that's hybrid and I'm actually glad to have to go in ~twice a week. It beats going to a sterile library or noisy coffee house if I need to get away.

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