
I’m just so tired.

I really struggle with clinical depression and anxiety. Medication helps with that, for sure. But medication can't fix the impending doom I feel each night before bed, just thinking about all the work that will be on my plate in the morning. My boss is nice, but has no concept of just how time-consuming everything she puts on me is. I literally don't think it would be possible for me to catch up. All I want is to earn my current (very modest salary) and only work 25-30 hours per week forever.

I really struggle with clinical depression and anxiety. Medication helps with that, for sure. But medication can't fix the impending doom I feel each night before bed, just thinking about all the work that will be on my plate in the morning. My boss is nice, but has no concept of just how time-consuming everything she puts on me is. I literally don't think it would be possible for me to catch up. All I want is to earn my current (very modest salary) and only work 25-30 hours per week forever.

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