
I am finally checked out and done

Throw away because well you’ll get it in a minute. I have a disability and I had an episode recently that laid me out I was able to finally return to work today. I asked my work to alter my work load because I don’t want to get overworked and have another episode. I was told no we are too short staffed to do that so that won’t be happening. I provided a screen grab highlighted of the ADA and that I am protected by this. I was told my boss would reach out to HR “on my behalf to get more information for me” I told them it wasn’t for me I knew my rights. They have had me waiting for well Over two hours to make this small change. So I filed a complaint against them with the dept of Justice. I have been with my company far…

Throw away because well you’ll get it in a minute. I have a disability and I had an episode recently that laid me out I was able to finally return to work today. I asked my work to alter my work load because I don’t want to get overworked and have another episode. I was told no we are too short staffed to do that so that won’t be happening. I provided a screen grab highlighted of the ADA and that I am protected by this. I was told my boss would reach out to HR “on my behalf to get more information for me” I told them it wasn’t for me I knew my rights. They have had me waiting for well Over two hours to make this small change. So I filed a complaint against them with the dept of Justice. I have been with my company far more than a year and my previous lead (a sexist male who gives special treatment to other males) that he couldn’t give me “special treatment”. My company is not going to ever retain decent staff given how shitty they are to employees. I just needed to rant about this because I am so pissed off that they think giving me a no will make me go away, the ADA isn’t open for interpretation or only applicable “when fully staffed” corporate America doesn’t give a fuck about anyone unless they are bringing in big money to the company.

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