
Recruiter blocked my number immediately after the call I had with them

It's a somewhat funny story that happened during September of last year I got my number blocked from an interview for not doing a timed hour long logic based assessment test,after which i would have been allowed an over the phone interview, I got a call after half an hour about why I didn't finish the test,and stopped after 5 questions and sent an incomplete test to them. I just asked a few important questions i had about the test,like what is the cutoff to get the job as no passing marks were listed on the test the test was also proctored but not very well,they just wanted to record my webcam for the whole hour to see if I don't cheat,which was very easy if i just opened another tab the camera won't know a thing,as no one will be personally observing the test,they just needed my face to…

It's a somewhat funny story that happened during September of last year

I got my number blocked from an interview for not doing a timed hour long logic based assessment test,after which i would have been allowed an over the phone interview, I got a call after half an hour about why I didn't finish the test,and stopped after 5 questions and sent an incomplete test to them.

I just asked a few important questions i had about the test,like
what is the cutoff to get the job as no passing marks were listed on the test

the test was also proctored but not very well,they just wanted to record my webcam for the whole hour to see if I don't cheat,which was very easy if i just opened another tab the camera won't know a thing,as no one will be personally observing the test,they just needed my face to be on the screen for the full hour

but since i didn't do the test

I now got the opportunity to talk to the one who would have interviewed me only after u passed the test

they asked if the test was too tough or was there a technical problem,I said none as i just didn't want to do the test,as it had nothing to do with the job I applied for

they said its procedure,,so they are willing to give me another try,and then I asked
what's the passing marks for the test ?
they said they can't disclose that,
so I just asked another question
do you know what position I have applied for ?

they said no again and asked me to tell them,I didnt answer but asked another question in return which seemed important

then how do you know this is the right test to give me, for the position I have applied for ?

they answered this time with

it's a general test we give all applicants so that won't be a problem.

That's a huge problem if you ake me

that company had job listings from
$3000 all the way to $8000

so I asked if all these jobs get the same test

they said yes,I wasn't shocked but very much disappointed in how they run the recruitment process

I just had one last question at that point

if you were the one who was going to take my interview and you aren't supposedly to call me if I don't pass the test,why did you call,and now that you have called to check can't you just take my interview now,we have been talking for almost 15 minutes that was more than enough thine to ask anything if this was an interview & not a call about missing the test

Your number is like a locked achivement we get after the test,but since i already have it can't you just interview me now ?

they declined due to company rules,which is understandable

one last question,
how will you don't even have my resume with you how will you even know if I what I am saying matches with whatever i have written on it ?

This was the last one as after this they ended the call and blocked my number
I applied again to a different listing from the same company just too check if this was a one time thing
but just like before after I didnt do the test
which was the same one but for a different position
i got a call from the recruiter different person but they also said the same thing

was the test to hard or was it a technical problem

This time I just said I am not interested anymore and ended the call

I don't think the test had any value at all if all it did was get me on the phone with the recruiter, as the marks whatever they may be for the test didn't matter to them either

The employer was just wasting the time of everyone involved

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