
Management of the building I’m working at wants me to delay emergency workers (ambulance, police, etc.)

I'm working as a receptionist with a small team in a huge office tower in Frankfurt, Germany at the front desk in the lobby area. Basically I have to give directions to people, announce guests for the offices in the tower or receive mail/packages. The pay isn't too bad and the hours are also ok, so not a lot to complain here. Especially when you worked in the hotel business with shitty hours and pay for almost 10 years. For context: A few weeks back we had an emergency on some top floor. Some guy had a seizure and an ambulance was called. Normally the offices upstairs have to call us at the front desk and security so the EMTs can get a direct route to an elevator asap. For some reason that didn't happen. So the ambulance arrives and we have no clue where they need to go. Fortunately…

I'm working as a receptionist with a small team in a huge office tower in Frankfurt, Germany at the front desk in the lobby area. Basically I have to give directions to people, announce guests for the offices in the tower or receive mail/packages. The pay isn't too bad and the hours are also ok, so not a lot to complain here. Especially when you worked in the hotel business with shitty hours and pay for almost 10 years.

For context: A few weeks back we had an emergency on some top floor. Some guy had a seizure and an ambulance was called. Normally the offices upstairs have to call us at the front desk and security so the EMTs can get a direct route to an elevator asap. For some reason that didn't happen. So the ambulance arrives and we have no clue where they need to go. Fortunately they had some information from the emergency call and knew which floor they needed to go, so it all went fine.

In the evening of the same day we receive an email from the buildings management telling us that we “endangered the security measures of the building” by letting the EMT in without checking their ID first. After sending a mail back basically asking them what exactly they expect us to do, they told us that we are supposed to stop any emergency workers coming into the building and ask them for ID.

We wrote them back that this is called “failure to provide assistance” and is punishable by law in Germany and we need this work instruction in written form, signed by a higher manager or we won't/can't obey this without being liable ourselves. We haven't heard from them since in that regard.

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