
My American dream is getting the fuck away from my parents

Ik this is off, but I am so fucking sick and tired of dealing with the. They always have to be right I always have to listen to them I always had to do what they say. I’m 23 I should be able to tell them to drop dead and go to hell. But I can’t I gotta be stuck here listening too boomer pro trump rhetoric Bullshit and then saying how I am lazy cause I don’t want to work 2 jobs while in college. But I have to fucking listen to them or else I’m living on the street. I want to get out ASAP. And I pray the trade job in in pays well enough for me to leave once and for all.

Ik this is off, but I am so fucking sick and tired of dealing with the. They always have to be right I always have to listen to them I always had to do what they say. I’m 23 I should be able to tell them to drop dead and go to hell. But I can’t I gotta be stuck here listening too boomer pro trump rhetoric Bullshit and then saying how I am lazy cause I don’t want to work 2 jobs while in college. But I have to fucking listen to them or else I’m living on the street. I want to get out ASAP. And I pray the trade job in in pays well enough for me to leave once and for all.

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