
How legit is antiwork?

So I am pretty new to the subreddit and have been reading the posts and comments for a few days now. And I am wondering (asking the veterans on this thread) on how legit some of these postings are. Few sentences on the background: Working and living in one of the richer EU countries. I work at an international branch of a huge french corporate and I am happy with my job. Fair pay, decent benefits, good relation with my manager etc. I am attending now quite a bit of leadership trainings, as I want to move to a management position and joined here to get a better picture. You know…not just the corporate blah blah on how to be a good manager but honest stories rather that HR BS. First of all, I am sincerely disgusted about the stuff, some of you have to put up with. Especially those…

So I am pretty new to the subreddit and have been reading the posts and comments for a few days now.
And I am wondering (asking the veterans on this thread) on how legit some of these postings are.

Few sentences on the background:
Working and living in one of the richer EU countries. I work at an international branch of a huge french corporate and I am happy with my job. Fair pay, decent benefits, good relation with my manager etc.
I am attending now quite a bit of leadership trainings, as I want to move to a management position and joined here to get a better picture. You know…not just the corporate blah blah on how to be a good manager but honest stories rather that HR BS.

First of all, I am sincerely disgusted about the stuff, some of you have to put up with. Especially those stories from service or retail employees. It is completely beyond my imagination how some people can be treated in way that feels like labor slavery.
And our friends in the US should take a hard look at my colleagues in France – they would be out in the street burning luxury cars if they had to deal with your labour laws 😉
Minimum 6 weeks maternity leave, 30+ days paid vacation are not socialism and should also for you be the standard!

However, there are some postings that felt weird to me.
Few days back there was a posting of an evaluation and people in the comments were suggesting to immediately quit etc. Actually there are quite a bit of feedbacks and evaluations received from management that people in this sub shred into pieces immediately.
And while I agree that even a bad feedback should be shared with care and never get to a personal level, it is still necessary to share it. Because let's be honest….a lot of people are shit at their job.
Some of these post just feel like a shitty employee is venting on this sub to just get the validation that it is their companies or manager fault and not that they are not fit for the job or just underperform.

I sincerely you hope you are not getting mad at me now, but I really try to understand.
Obviously I am excluding everything from stupid terminations, inhuman behaviour, working hours and stupid rules at your workplace and these things.
But is my impression wrong that some people here seek validation for their shitty work performance? It feels a bit like everyone on here values themselves as a good worker with a terrible management – however, when I am in the office, I also know how many people are late on assignments because they spent all day chatting with colleagues, or how often I have extra work to fix colleagues mistakes because they have no clue what they are doing.

Thanks already in advance in your insights 🙂

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