
Anti Worked in 2001 and still the same since

I worked at a city center during college. I did security, which was what the city called night janitors so they didn’t have to call them janitors. I also worked in the day time hours when I could, filling requests of the supervisor and also being a janitor. There were some issues which I don’t even remember now but like the day staff and night staff were not fulfilling tasks and set ups properly and I was doing the same work on my day shifts as my night shifts, when whoever was clocked in was supposed to be doing half the shit when I wasn’t there. I didn’t think it was malicious at all, as I remember. More like- these folks don’t know what they’re supposed to be doing and nobody told them. I typed up a “memo” and left it in everybody’s mailboxes. It was like 4-5 sentences- “please…

I worked at a city center during college. I did security, which was what the city called night janitors so they didn’t have to call them janitors.

I also worked in the day time hours when I could, filling requests of the supervisor and also being a janitor.

There were some issues which I don’t even remember now but like the day staff and night staff were not fulfilling tasks and set ups properly and I was doing the same work on my day shifts as my night shifts, when whoever was clocked in was supposed to be doing half the shit when I wasn’t there.

I didn’t think it was malicious at all, as I remember. More like- these folks don’t know what they’re supposed to be doing and nobody told them.

I typed up a “memo” and left it in everybody’s mailboxes. It was like 4-5 sentences- “please see the sheet to do this work”

Came in the next day to see another memo, printed in large font, taped to the front of all the mailboxes. It was to the effect of “Excuuuuusee me?!?!? I am the DIRECTOR. I will write all memos, not whoever the “night shift” is.”

I read the note and walked out. Boss called my college dorm asking where I was. “I don’t give a fuck about this job enough to fight about memos. You get to write them all. Also you get my shifts for the next month.” (Schedules came out monthly).

It was obvious I was the ‘night staff’ who wrote the innocent memo, as I worked most of the swing shifts. It was done to embarrass me only, and publicly to all of the city employees.

I don’t really recall what she said. It was half justification, half begging me to stay, half saying good riddance. Cool. Talk to whomever you like, however you’d like to. Embarrass somebody for fun if you want. It ain’t me tho, dawlg.

That same energy leads to success and not failure if you truly are competent. Been working for me for 20+ years

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