
Huawei just distributed out $9.65Bn in dividends to its 131K employees, which means that on average folks got $73K.

Great news for workers in China. Worker owned Huawei are distributing profits back to their workers. If only North American corporations had the common sense to pay employees instead of the already rich. We NEED democracy at the work place. People deserve to have equity in their place of work. “Some 131,507 current and former workers are involved in the shareholder scheme, according to the company's 2021 annual report released last week. The company is private and wholly owned by its employees, it said” On average, people got around $73K and many folks who joined close to two decades ago are apparently seeing payouts north of a quarter mil.

Great news for workers in China. Worker owned Huawei are distributing profits back to their workers. If only North American corporations had the common sense to pay employees instead of the already rich. We NEED democracy at the work place. People deserve to have equity in their place of work.

“Some 131,507 current and former workers are involved in the shareholder scheme, according to the company's 2021 annual report released last week. The company is private and wholly owned by its employees, it said”

On average, people got around $73K and many folks who joined close to two decades ago are apparently seeing payouts north of a quarter mil.

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