
Does anyone have a job where they don’t talk to people?

Hi so I know this is a little odd for this sub, but it felt more related to anti-work than career advice so I thought I'd give it a shot. So the dilemma I'm having is that over the last two years, I've fully realized that I am not meant for labor, at least in the way our society has structured it. But now that I've had the epiphany that labor under capitalism is an absolute crock of shit, it's been really hard to just keep working since my survival depends on it. The way I've been coping with it is to just do the bare minimum at my job. I do things correctly, but I don't go above and beyond. However, I feel like I'm being forced to participate at a higher level than others at my company. My role is to babysit men twice my age to get…

Hi so I know this is a little odd for this sub, but it felt more related to anti-work than career advice so I thought I'd give it a shot.

So the dilemma I'm having is that over the last two years, I've fully realized that I am not meant for labor, at least in the way our society has structured it. But now that I've had the epiphany that labor under capitalism is an absolute crock of shit, it's been really hard to just keep working since my survival depends on it.

The way I've been coping with it is to just do the bare minimum at my job. I do things correctly, but I don't go above and beyond. However, I feel like I'm being forced to participate at a higher level than others at my company. My role is to babysit men twice my age to get things done that they should just be doing, and they're constantly making mistakes or providing incorrect information that I have to go back and fix.

In my new attitude of “fuck it”, I would just stop babysitting and let them fail, but by the nature of my job if they don't do what they're supposed to do, it ends up being my fault. Now my boss is telling me what emails I have to send to them to get stuff done and make sure they're cc'd on it.

I'm at a point where if I see a chat or email, I'm immediately angry, because half the time I've already done my part or it's to fix someone else's mistakes or someone's jumping down my throat because a 55 year old man needs mommy to send him his chore list. And I just think about how none of this even fucking matters anyway, I'm just here to make some CEO $17 billion a year while I barely pay my goddamn rent and can't afford to pay my student loans, but I have to keep doing it so I don't starve to death. And then I think about the other jobs I've had, which weren't any better.

This kind of devolved into a rant, but that's the context. So with that in mind, does anyone have a job where they barely have to talk to people? I feel like if I could just keep my head down and do tasks independent of a team I could just grit my teeth and get through it.

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