
First Time Being Fired

I finally managed to pick up a job driving a forklift I'm September. Prior to that I was laid off at the start of the Pandemic and remained on unemployment while searching for work. I felt like I actually found a pretty decent gig doing something I enjoyed(I have driven industrial vehicles for the past decade alongside a few heavier pieces of equipment). I made good with the team and was finally getting into the groove of my day to day. Today I go in, after having called in for a personal matter yesterday, to be told that I was being moved to another position. I asked my team lead the reasoning and was told it was because of my prior experience but upon talking to the team lead of that area I was told it was punishment for not being there a lot lately (all excused, discussed with my…

I finally managed to pick up a job driving a forklift I'm September. Prior to that I was laid off at the start of the Pandemic and remained on unemployment while searching for work. I felt like I actually found a pretty decent gig doing something I enjoyed(I have driven industrial vehicles for the past decade alongside a few heavier pieces of equipment). I made good with the team and was finally getting into the groove of my day to day.

Today I go in, after having called in for a personal matter yesterday, to be told that I was being moved to another position. I asked my team lead the reasoning and was told it was because of my prior experience but upon talking to the team lead of that area I was told it was punishment for not being there a lot lately (all excused, discussed with my supervisor, mostly pre-scheduled, and PTO used). I told him I was not thrilled about the situation but that I am here. After about 15 minutes he comes up and hands me a list and asks me to go get a few things that I don't know and take them to spots I'm unsure of. I ask for clarification and he says, “Nevermind! If you don't want to do it then don't fucking do it!”, and storms off. I call after him informing him that I'm just asking a question. He ignores me and stomps off. I say to myself, I'm not fucking dealing with this today and go to speak to my supervisor who just so happens to not be in today. That settles it. I grab my stuff and head to the time clock.

As I'm on my way to the time clock, I opened my fat mouth. I said calmly to the guy, “I was just asking a question, you don't need to be a dick.” He started forcefully telling me something after that, trying to get me back on his side, but I honestly wasn't listening and just held my hand up and told him I'm going home. He got pissed and started saying f this f that and I just…left.

I texted my supervisor, told him I had to remove myself and we could discuss when he was ready. He tells me thanks for the heads up. I get a call a bit later wanting to here my side. I am 100% upfront and honest. I have worked hard to become an honest person and told him even in the interview process months earlier that I valued that above all else. He thanks me for that, says he thinks he has a full picture, will call back hopefully today to get it straightened out. HR calls me three hours later to tell me I've been fired. I told them I understand but let it be noted I did what I thought was best to keep things from escalating. They told me I should have sought out my boss, which I did, who wasn't even in the building yet. At that point I just asked about the paperwork, they said they would mail it, and wished them well.

I may have navigated it poorly but I'm honestly at peace with my actions. I knew I wouldn't have been able to control myself had I stayed and allowed him to talk to me like that so I left. Younger me would have let them walk all over me. Still on good terms with other workers and even my former boss is upset HR forced me out but it is what it is. I'm terrified about losing my insurance and the income, though, as I help care for my mother so I'm going to have to hit it hard. Just wanted to share to help work through everything so thanks for reading, if you did.

Tldr; Removed myself from an altercation by clocking out and leaving then was fired for doing so.

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