
What the hell is this degre shaming?

Every time people complain that they are struggling allthough they have degrees comes some troll and says “well what did you major in? haha thats worthless you deserve to die”. What the hell is this? The generations before us could lead a good life with only HS Diplomas or even without them – but people that earned a degree are supposed to die just because they didnt take the one most prefered by the capitalist system? This is sick.

Every time people complain that they are struggling allthough they have degrees comes some troll and says “well what did you major in? haha thats worthless you deserve to die”.

What the hell is this? The generations before us could lead a good life with only HS Diplomas or even without them – but people that earned a degree are supposed to die just because they didnt take the one most prefered by the capitalist system? This is sick.

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