
My job gives me anxiety

Rant incoming I’m 18 and work full time as a checkout operator our store is in a small town and people keep quitting unsurprisingly because management hates their staff. I started 10 weeks ago in those 10 weeks I have taken on extra shifts offered to cover people been asked to lie to someone by my company to help the company and done three peoples jobs at once for the pay of one. I have “called in sick” once where I was vomiting from food poisoning the only other day off I had was a medical appointment that I had warned them of weeks prior. The other day a customer called my boss to complain about me and my boss berated me in front of my coworker and a customer which made me cry and my lovely supervisor had to send me to the bathroom to calm down because I…

Rant incoming
I’m 18 and work full time as a checkout operator our store is in a small town and people keep quitting unsurprisingly because management hates their staff.

I started 10 weeks ago in those 10 weeks I have taken on extra shifts offered to cover people been asked to lie to someone by my company to help the company and done three peoples jobs at once for the pay of one. I have “called in sick” once where I was vomiting from food poisoning the only other day off I had was a medical appointment that I had warned them of weeks prior.

The other day a customer called my boss to complain about me and my boss berated me in front of my coworker and a customer which made me cry and my lovely supervisor had to send me to the bathroom to calm down because I was inconsolable the things she said included “These customers are the reason you have a job.”

So yesterday I was so anxious to go to work I ended up taking four anti anxiety pills through the day just to cope and when I woke up this morning I was having severe chest pain from the anxiety so I decided to call in sick.

My boss berated me again and refused to let me take the day off. They also refused leave to a supervisor who never took a day off so she quit. We are so short staffed because no one wants to work here because the management is so horrible to us.

My job gives me anxiety and I hate it.

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