As a small business owner, it is frustrating when employees quit with no notice and via text or email.
Hired an office manager (26) in September. I trained her on our procedures, how to enroll kids in classes, schedule make ups, birthday parties, etc….
In December she asked me about increasing her pay. She was doing a wonderful job, very reliable, has only called out sick once in three and a half months. I increased her pay rate, and even put her on salary, since we would be open less over the holiday break. Also, now that she was salary, that gave her P.T.O.
In January she missed, or called out of work 8 times. On January 24th she put in 2 weeks notice since her family was having issues, Mother admitted to hospital, Father in a psych ward, and had to take care of people in the evenings. I asked if there was anything I could do to help, grocery shopping, other errands etc.
I talked to her, wanted to work with her. I asked if she would be able to come in earlier (11am) and could leave after emails, phone messages were taken care of for the day to take care of her family. She was grateful, and was in the rest of the week from 11am until 3pm. Said to me that she was thankful, and that it would help a lot. Took back her resignation. My thoughts were to help her get through this time while allowing her to keep a job and income, but still take care of her family. Monday she sent a text calling out sick. I replied, “okay, hope you feel better soon.”
Tuesday didn’t show to work, or communicate. I sent both an email and text asking if she was okay, and anything we could do to help. Wednesday, still no communication, I called it went to voicemail. Thursday evening I get an email saying that she is resigning effective immediately.
Very frustrated to feel like you are working to keep people employed, and work with them and then feel taken advantage of.
Btw, she was paid for full work days, even though she was now only working half, and then gone for another week.