
Love how I put my notice in, and I only have 3 days left but they are still reporting me for being late today.

(and obviously all the hours that I've had to work late/clock out late don't mean anything…) I was 15 minutes late, I've been late way too many times -but none of it was my fault, car accident, car-jacked, dr. cuz I almost lost my eyesight haha -but no dr.s notes are accepted- This time, honestly it was kind of intentional, like I got 2 hrs of sleep and just didn't really care since I only have 3 days left anyway. Eh, what are they going to do? Fire me? They need me on the next 3 days. I have a gig this week that pays more than I make in 5 days. -I got 2 hrs of sleep because i was up prepping for said gig ironically- Plus, we are understaffed af, and the managers put so much pressure on us that really ends up being demotivating. *CUE RANT HERE:*…

(and obviously all the hours that I've had to work late/clock out late don't mean anything…)

I was 15 minutes late, I've been late way too many times -but none of it was my fault, car accident, car-jacked, dr. cuz I almost lost my eyesight haha -but no dr.s notes are accepted- This time, honestly it was kind of intentional, like I got 2 hrs of sleep and just didn't really care since I only have 3 days left anyway. Eh, what are they going to do? Fire me? They need me on the next 3 days. I have a gig this week that pays more than I make in 5 days. -I got 2 hrs of sleep because i was up prepping for said gig ironically- Plus, we are understaffed af, and the managers put so much pressure on us that really ends up being demotivating.

*CUE RANT HERE:* I come in, do my job, get great reviews from clients and keep them happy/wanting to come back just because the service I personally gave was wonderful. A few reviews literally say that. I AM HONEST AND NOT PUSHY -management is rude to me about this tho.- 3 days ago a dude doing an instacart order literally said “is she always that rude to you?”-referring to my manager.-

I like helping people, what I don't like is the pressure from management to “get five $75 baskets in an hour w/ add ons, always use the Color IQ scanner to match foundation/concealer -which takes longer than just using my eyes.- GET PEOPLE TO SIGN UP FOR THE STORE CREDIT CARD. You are taking too long genuinely helping a client, 'break away and help the next person' (awful business practice btw kind of funny considering they want us to use the dumb scanner which isn't accurate all the time and takes longer“) It's all dumb because clients don't want to be bombarded with all of this corporate BS, and APPRECIATE it when someone cares and takes their time with them –WOW what a concept-. The managers can be very rude to me and others -like drill sergeants-… So I've been very frustrated. Who tf cares what I do if I am “late.” AND I AM LEAVING IN 3 DAYS ANYWAY???!!! Like wtf.

NOT TO MENTION, the fact that we all have to be “checked” after clocking out. Sometimes it takes 20 min -unpaid- to get a manager to check us. (they are trying to check for any theft… I work at a very popular makeup retailer doing makeup (lol) so that makes sense. What doesn't make sense is that this time is unpaid.)

edit: I heard companies have been sued for keeping you off the clock because the manager is taking too long to “check” you. (or something along the same exact concept/premise) -like this has happened. A fellow coworker told me that lmfao.

and a few times staying late during closing -like the better part of an hr late- AND just late clocking out because they wanted me to do my job past my shift end. OH AND they have forgotten my break at least once completely -15 min break but still it is legally required- And also have forgotten to give me my break when it was scheduled & they had to make up for it later in the day… that's like 7hrs with no break. On my feet, barely any time for water. This has happened multiple times.

SO happy i'm leaving.

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