
HR didn’t believe my brother died.

OK. This sub reminded me of why work sucks. My mom and dad divorced when I was young. Both remarried and live went on. My stepdad was amazing. He had 5 kids (4 adults and 1 younger than me) I grew up seeing him (youngest step brother) every other weekend when I went to my moms evey other weekend. I never knew his real mom. 20 years go by and I get out of the military and hang or with him at my stepdads bar. Catching up on old times. Not too long after he passed away. He got drunk and drowned. Of course I went to be with my dad(step) for the funeral. Notified my HR and was given 3 days bereavement with pay. Upon return to work the following week I was pulled into HR. HR: “You need to tell us why you said your brother died, and…

OK. This sub reminded me of why work sucks. My mom and dad divorced when I was young. Both remarried and live went on. My stepdad was amazing. He had 5 kids (4 adults and 1 younger than me) I grew up seeing him (youngest step brother) every other weekend when I went to my moms evey other weekend. I never knew his real mom.

20 years go by and I get out of the military and hang or with him at my stepdads bar. Catching up on old times.

Not too long after he passed away. He got drunk and drowned.

Of course I went to be with my dad(step) for the funeral. Notified my HR and was given 3 days bereavement with pay.

Upon return to work the following week I was pulled into HR.

HR: “You need to tell us why you said your brother died, and took 3 days off but lied about it.”

Me: “Umm. Excuse me? My brother did die. MY STEP brother of 2O years”

HR: “Well, his last name is different from yours and you weren't listed in the obituary!”

Me: “Well, you see, when my mom married his dad, only her last name changed. Why would my STEP brother change his last name to mine?”


HR: “Well….your name wasn't in the obituary as a relative.”

Me: “Once again, his mother…not mine or my stepdad had any input on my stepbrothers funeral arrangements. My mother wasn't even listed as my stepdads wife. I don't know what to tell you.”

I was a smart ass and said “Do you need a note from my daddy?”

HR director said: “……um, yes. Let's do that!”

I couldn't believed it. I picked up his phone and immediately called my dad. Now get this… I'm a 28 year old veteran, grown ass man….calling my dad to get an excused work note for a funeral.

I walked out after my dad got on the phone and chewed on old Ralph's ass for quite a while. I'm even sure he threatened to get his lawyer involved somehow.

HR came up to me after shift and gave me a $100 gift certificate for a restaurant and told me to take my mom and dad out for dinner and apologized.


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