
question about pay

So, for context, i (19) have been working at this retail store for what will be two years in August. when i started i was making minimum wage where i live ($10.75) and i live with my parents, they let me live with them because I'm currently attending college. i have a decent scholarship so im not hurting for money (i only work 12hrs a week and no boss has ever complained about it), but i would like to save up for when i move and get an apartment. i noticed since covid (coincidentally right when i started wanting to get a job, around when i graduated high school) we have been super understaffed. im sure i was hired with so few hours for this reason. some days, it got really bad. on days i couldn't come in, we had to close because one person cant run the store themselves.…

So, for context, i (19) have been working at this retail store for what will be two years in August. when i started i was making minimum wage where i live ($10.75) and i live with my parents, they let me live with them because I'm currently attending college. i have a decent scholarship so im not hurting for money (i only work 12hrs a week and no boss has ever complained about it), but i would like to save up for when i move and get an apartment.

i noticed since covid (coincidentally right when i started wanting to get a job, around when i graduated high school) we have been super understaffed. im sure i was hired with so few hours for this reason. some days, it got really bad. on days i couldn't come in, we had to close because one person cant run the store themselves. we'd get some new hires here and there, but many didnt last long. compared to most of our current hires im a long-time worker (crazy to me!) since then ive gotten a 3% raise and im making around $11 an hour.

well, a few months ago, we suddenly got a ton of new hires. a long time best friend of mine since middle school even got hired! and the understaffed problem was solved. however, i learned why: the starting pay was increased to $15 an hour! and my friend, hired for my same entry position, Sales Associate, was making $4 more an hour than me despite me having worked more than a year longer than him.

this made me pretty furious, so i finally, eventually found the courage (im pretty anxious) to confront my boss about why we had so many new hires (i wasnt going to sell out my friend) and they confirmed starting pay was increased because “they had no choice” and i was told every current worker's pay would be increased sometime around April because they “weren't going to leave you guys behind”. so i think, cool, i can wait until then. again, not hurting for money. i feel kinda stupid working an entry level job for $11 an hour when every business around me is offering $15 an hour, but i can wait. im comfortable with this job and i like the flexible hours, it helps with school.

so, today i ask my boss about it again, just an update, since it's April. and i'm told i should have gotten my raise by now! they said the “highest it can go is another 3%, which you likely got because of your good performance review” which would end up as $11.33? what? i don't want to directly say $15 an hour because i don't want to raise any eyebrows but that mad me kinda upset. they also mentioned that they “would review pay for everyone across the board later” but how long are they gonna keep dragging me along?

i know 12hrs a week is really not many hours, im far from breaking my back walking around stocking shelves for 12hrs a week but again, when every place around me is offering $15, i feel stupid. especially since my house burned down, and where i stay now is very far away from this current job.

my low hours have never been an issue. my boss has always encouraged me to only work when i could and my schedule always works out that way. some days i get asked to come in some days im normally off because someone else called out and sometimes i do, thats it. my friend making $15 an hour is working more hours than me, but im fairly certain pay is determined by position, not hours? if thats not the case then that is not what ive been lead to believe.

should i bring this up again? is everything fine and im just being an ass? this place is really flexible with my hours and i honestly really do appreciate that, again im not hurting for money but if everywhere is offering more pay and im not getting it, and im surrounded by brand new coworkers making it, i want to get a new job unless mine is raised. i just thought id ask because, it feels iffy and i figured you guys would know a bit about what im supposed to do here. thanks!

edit: this is important and i forgot to mention; my friend works more hours than me but is just shy of full time. so we're both part-time Sales Associates.

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