
I learned at 19 years old that being a Productive Worker gets you punished.

I'm 19 years old, and because of this sub I realized how much my past and current employers have abused my hard work. At my current job I run my milling row of machines better than anyone else, young or old. However once my supervisors saw this they are now forcing me to run 2 rows at a time (which is considerably harder) and they get upset when I call in to work, which is rarely. And i'm looking at other workers, who barely run 1 row without looking at their phones every 5 seconds, take extended breaks, and just call in whenever and they get paid more than me, despite me working TWICE the workload. And did I mention i'm only a temp too. While they are all fulltime employees with PTO.

I'm 19 years old, and because of this sub I realized how much my past and current employers have abused my hard work.

At my current job I run my milling row of machines better than anyone else, young or old. However once my supervisors saw this they are now forcing me to run 2 rows at a time (which is considerably harder) and they get upset when I call in to work, which is rarely.

And i'm looking at other workers, who barely run 1 row without looking at their phones every 5 seconds, take extended breaks, and just call in whenever and they get paid more than me, despite me working TWICE the workload.

And did I mention i'm only a temp too. While they are all fulltime employees with PTO.

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