
Dose anyone else think about dropping out of society?

So I'm kinda stuck in a rural midwestern town for family reasons.Theres nothing in my normal feild here.So I'm relying heavily on past exsperience and transferable skills. I went for an interview today.It was an basicly a heavy equipment matinence job.I've worked on large motors in the past.In various applications.Even have a 10 year old certification I got to work on tractor trailers.However not this very specific heavy equipment attachment found in this industry. At the end of the interview I was told.I don't have the exact exsperience they wanted.Which I would garentee only 5 people in the county do.Three already work there and 2 are retired. So they offered me $11.50 an hr. To put it in perspective taco bell is starting at $13. That is the same thing I've been dealing with job hunting.”You don't have the experience we want.”Even though I know I can do the job…and…

So I'm kinda stuck in a rural midwestern town for family reasons.Theres nothing in my normal feild here.So I'm relying heavily on past exsperience and transferable skills.
I went for an interview today.It was an basicly a heavy equipment matinence job.I've worked on large motors in the past.In various applications.Even have a 10 year old certification I got to work on tractor trailers.However not this very specific heavy equipment attachment found in this industry.

At the end of the interview I was told.I don't have the exact exsperience they wanted.Which I would garentee only 5 people in the county do.Three already work there and 2 are retired.

So they offered me $11.50 an hr.

To put it in perspective taco bell is starting at $13.

That is the same thing I've been dealing with job hunting.”You don't have the experience we want.”Even though I know I can do the job…and we pay next to nothing.

Or go work an entry level fast food/retail job.Which I've done enough of in life.I feel like every job has its value.However with the amount of exsperience I've gained through almost 20 years in the work force.Some management,alot of various technical skills I've picked up along the way.

It all feels demeaning.To look at the options out before you.To see that none of the jobs you can take will feel rewarding.Along with the rewarding ones won't actually pay you what your worth.

I think about it and it makes me wonder.Why do I even try to play this game.I know how to raise animals and garden.I could fall out of society and not have to deal with any of this.Mabey raise pigs and sell a few to pay my taxes.Make wine out of the apples and wild grapes.

It would be work..but it wouldn't be playing some one else's game.

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