
My boss and board of directors are trying to talk me out of quitting

Sorry if this is the wrong place. I could really use some advice from people who aren’t my parents. I’ve been at my company for 9 years. I started when I graduated undergrad and worked while I attended grad school. The plan was to leave in spring of 2020, but we all know how that year turned out. My new plan was to stick it out through the work from home period then find a new job when we returned to the office. Between medical issues and a massive flood that gutted the building, I’m only now pretending to plan my return to the office. But instead I’m job hunting. Due to some major life changes that have left me in a not so great head space, I’m planning on quitting before I have a new job. However, when I approached my boss and a few members of the board…

Sorry if this is the wrong place. I could really use some advice from people who aren’t my parents.

I’ve been at my company for 9 years. I started when I graduated undergrad and worked while I attended grad school. The plan was to leave in spring of 2020, but we all know how that year turned out. My new plan was to stick it out through the work from home period then find a new job when we returned to the office. Between medical issues and a massive flood that gutted the building, I’m only now pretending to plan my return to the office. But instead I’m job hunting.

Due to some major life changes that have left me in a not so great head space, I’m planning on quitting before I have a new job. However, when I approached my boss and a few members of the board of directors (it’s a nonprofit) about cobra and how it works so I could start weighing pros and cons, they seemed very against me leaving and almost seemed to try and guilt me into staying.

I have a meeting next week with a few members of the board and I’m not sure how to approach it. They don’t want me to quit and keep telling me to stick it out, but I need to leave the toxic atmosphere for my mental health. I know quitting without a job lined up is risky. High quality health insurance is a necessity for me. But I don’t know what else to do. If I decide over the next week not to quit, do I have any leverage for asking about a raise? I have only gotten a raise a handful of times, and the last one was 2018. Or anything else I should plan to bring up? This was my first real adult job. I’ve never quit before, or really talked to my boss and board about any problems.

I’m sorry if this is the wrong place. I’ve been a long time lurker and could really just use some advice. I wish my company would let me quit peacefully and not turn it into a scene. The stress is really taking a toll on me.

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