
Post Office CCA

Okay. Government jobs are great, right? No. When I started with the post office I didn't know how bad the hours were. My original post office was use and abuse like a motherfucker. They didn't tell me when I had a day off. I just had to hold on for dear life til 3 and then if they didn't call me oh look I'm off. I'm making 26.68 with tcola which is hard to walk away from but I found a job making 23. By calling a recruiter and going get me the hell out of here. I nailed the interview and gave my 2 weeks. When asked why I told the truth, the hours are destabilizing my bipolar and I can't. My boss is awesome and was understanding. I just don't understand when they think I'm going to have a life with Amazon Sundays and just random days off.…

Okay. Government jobs are great, right? No. When I started with the post office I didn't know how bad the hours were. My original post office was use and abuse like a motherfucker. They didn't tell me when I had a day off. I just had to hold on for dear life til 3 and then if they didn't call me oh look I'm off. I'm making 26.68 with tcola which is hard to walk away from but I found a job making 23. By calling a recruiter and going get me the hell out of here. I nailed the interview and gave my 2 weeks. When asked why I told the truth, the hours are destabilizing my bipolar and I can't. My boss is awesome and was understanding. I just don't understand when they think I'm going to have a life with Amazon Sundays and just random days off. One a week. What the hell. One of the girls when I explained that after the month I've been a postie that I “only” had to do it for probably a year and a half but no longer than two years by contract. I looked her dead in the face and asked what part of destabilizing after a month made her think a year and a half was possible. She acquiesced the point.

Just what the hell

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