
Potential HR is big mad when I told them we weren’t exclusive.

So I’ve been interviewing at a few places. I was a laboratory supervisor with almost a decade of experience. I got burnt out, so I was looking to step back from management for a moment, getting back to working as a clinical laboratory scientists. I got 4 offers, and after careful consideration I chose one that has fewer responsibilities and higher pay than my previous job. I did the courtesy of letting the other 3 HR reps know that I won’t be moving forward because I’ve accepted employment elsewhere at this salary, and if they’d like they can exceed it to change my mind. Two of them thanked me for letting them know, and wished me luck. The last one, with a reputation of toxic management but with a good location that’s very close to my house, flipped out that I didn’t tell them I was interviewing elsewhere. Threatened to…

So I’ve been interviewing at a few places. I was a laboratory supervisor with almost a decade of experience. I got burnt out, so I was looking to step back from management for a moment, getting back to working as a clinical laboratory scientists. I got 4 offers, and after careful consideration I chose one that has fewer responsibilities and higher pay than my previous job. I did the courtesy of letting the other 3 HR reps know that I won’t be moving forward because I’ve accepted employment elsewhere at this salary, and if they’d like they can exceed it to change my mind. Two of them thanked me for letting them know, and wished me luck. The last one, with a reputation of toxic management but with a good location that’s very close to my house, flipped out that I didn’t tell them I was interviewing elsewhere. Threatened to blacklist me because what I did is unprofessional and wasting their time. No, you see, I’m going to blacklist YOU because I’m influential in this field within this geographic region, and at the very least the toxicity is confirmed and shared with my colleagues. One HR rep’s little outburst led to very expensive loss of opportunity for human capital for years to come. When will employers realize in this labor market, status quo is shifting to the workers, and amateur and unprofessional management will be the death of their businesses?

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