
Oh, the joys of complaining on Facebook that you can’t hire anyone…

If I see one more post on my local Facebook group for my hometown where someone is complaining about not being able to find workers or nobody wants to work anymore, I’m going to scream. These people can use Facebook but yet can’t read the room and see that workers, potential and current, aren’t going to roll over and let a boss walk all over them anymore. The most frustrating thing is when you ask, politely, what the wage is that’s being offered for this company and the owner can’t give an answer. Complaining on Facebook publicly is fair game but posting the wage so that potential applicants can see it isn’t? Pathetic. I’m probably going to get banned on this Facebook group because I commented listing all the things businesses who can’t find people are probably doing but it’s worth it if it means more people know and understand…

If I see one more post on my local Facebook group for my hometown where someone is complaining about not being able to find workers or nobody wants to work anymore, I’m going to scream.

These people can use Facebook but yet can’t read the room and see that workers, potential and current, aren’t going to roll over and let a boss walk all over them anymore. The most frustrating thing is when you ask, politely, what the wage is that’s being offered for this company and the owner can’t give an answer. Complaining on Facebook publicly is fair game but posting the wage so that potential applicants can see it isn’t? Pathetic.

I’m probably going to get banned on this Facebook group because I commented listing all the things businesses who can’t find people are probably doing but it’s worth it if it means more people know and understand that it’s not us, it’s the owners and bosses who won’t try to get with the times.

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