
The modern (mostly American) company is inherently anti-democratic:

Private: dictatorship/oligarchy Public: oligarchy Family-owned: monarchy The only reason we have rights as workers is because the government forces them or because ownership is benevolent. Relying on the benevolence of leaders is inherently anti-democratic. “GOveRnmEnt ShoULd bE rUn LiKE a bUsiNEss”: your authoritarianism is showing. People who think this way think the plebs are to stupid to have their own agency and autonomy. Parentalism is the downfall of democracy. War on drugs is a good example of failed parentalism. I am very pro union, but I have been burned by one before. Leadership chose power over helping workers, long story. Co-ownership and/or profit sharing is a pathway for built in agency within a company. Employees should have more voice and voting rights on major decisions within a company. How many times has a dumb idea from the top hindered your work and cost the company? Unions are the modern peasant…

Private: dictatorship/oligarchy

Public: oligarchy

Family-owned: monarchy

The only reason we have rights as workers is because the government forces them or because ownership is benevolent. Relying on the benevolence of leaders is inherently anti-democratic.

“GOveRnmEnt ShoULd bE rUn LiKE a bUsiNEss”: your authoritarianism is showing.

People who think this way think the plebs are to stupid to have their own agency and autonomy. Parentalism is the downfall of democracy. War on drugs is a good example of failed parentalism.

I am very pro union, but I have been burned by one before. Leadership chose power over helping workers, long story.

Co-ownership and/or profit sharing is a pathway for built in agency within a company. Employees should have more voice and voting rights on major decisions within a company. How many times has a dumb idea from the top hindered your work and cost the company?

Unions are the modern peasant rabble rising up making demands. Yes they can get the job done, but it creates conflict and can create a power struggle withing the organization.

Chris Smalls, the guy who started the Amazon union, has my DEEPEST respect by not getting into bed with established unions.

End rant

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